Published: December 4, 2020 Author: Callie Works-Leary Comments: 0

The 20 Best Varieties I Grew In 2020

From a growing area of less than 500 square feet, I harvested more than 300 pounds of food in 2020. This amount far surpassed what I could consume myself, so I was able to give much of it away to food. Here are some keys to my success this year and my favorite varieties of the year.

Published: November 27, 2020 Author: Callie Works-Leary Comments: 0

2021 Dallas Tomato Trials Selections

The votes are in! 2021 will mark the 2nd Annual Dallas Tomato Trials, a crowd-sourced test of heirloom tomato variety performance in North Texas. It also marks the first year that variety selection was made open to public voting. Many thanks to all those who participated in the voting process!

Published: November 20, 2020 Author: Callie Works-Leary Comments: 0

Vote For The 2021 Dallas Tomato Trial Varieties

2020 marked the inaugural Dallas Tomato Trials, an informal but highly informative testing of 24 different heirloom or open-pollinated tomato varieties including 8 patio/container varieties. I also made these rare tomato varieties available for purchase as seedlings in March. I am very excited to announce that the tomato trials will be returning for 2021.

Published: October 30, 2020 Author: Callie Works-Leary Comments: 0

Plant These Flowers by Seed This Fall for Showy Spring Blooms

Because our ground doesn’t freeze, many annual and perennial flowers can be planted in fall for spring and summer blooms. So, muster the last of your energy before winter comes to start these flowers by seed now (October-November) so that you can enjoy a garden full of bouquet-worthy blooms come springtime.

Published: October 2, 2020 Author: Callie Works-Leary Comments: 0

If I Had To Start A Garden From Scratch, This Is What I’d Do

Fifteen years ago, I bought my first home and started my first garden. Since then I’ve interned at the Dallas Arboretum, worked as a greenhouse plant propagator, held leadership roles at two community gardens, and completed the training to become a Certified Texas Master Gardener.
Knowing what I know now, if I had to start a garden from scratch…

Published: September 25, 2020 Author: Callie Works-Leary Comments: 0

Garden Checklist: Late September

Disclosure: Some of the links below are affiliate links. If you click through and make a purchase, we receive a small commission. This allows us to continue to deliver valuable, free content to North Texas gardeners. Thank you for your support! What to do in your North Texas garden in…