Category: Flowers

Published: October 30, 2020 Author: Callie Works-Leary Comments: 0

Plant These Flowers by Seed This Fall for Showy Spring Blooms

Because our ground doesn’t freeze, many annual and perennial flowers can be planted in fall for spring and summer blooms. So, muster the last of your energy before winter comes to start these flowers by seed now (October-November) so that you can enjoy a garden full of bouquet-worthy blooms come springtime.

Published: August 28, 2020 Author: Callie Works-Leary Comments: 0

6 Heat-Proof Perennials For Your North Texas Garden

We rounded up 6 of the most heat-proof perennials to plant in your North Texas garden. Not only are they beautiful, but these ultra-reliable perennials are all designated as both A&M Texas Superstars and “FlameProof” by the Dallas Arboretum Plant Trials department. Virtually indestructible!

Published: May 13, 2020 Author: Callie Works-Leary Comments: 0

How To Grow ProCut Sunflowers For Season-Long Blooms

ProCut sunflowers are quickly becoming an essential cut flower for the home gardener and market grower alike. Producing huge blooms on single stalks, ProCuts were developed by the sunflower breeders at Sunflower Selections and are available in a wide range of colors including white, blush, deep red, and even green.…