Category: Perennials

Published: February 28, 2024 Author: Callie Works-Leary Comments: 0

Resilient Perennials I’m Adding to My New Landscape

I’m settling in to my new digs. Now comes the hard work of transforming the landscape and establish ing new gardens, slowly but surely. Emphasis on the slowly part. Spring is pretty much here, my garage is full of seedlings, and I have yet to build the beds they need to go into. (Gulp.) Despite all this, I’ve planned it all out in my head and will formalize plant placement on paper soon.

Published: August 28, 2020 Author: Callie Works-Leary Comments: 0

6 Heat-Proof Perennials For Your North Texas Garden

We rounded up 6 of the most heat-proof perennials to plant in your North Texas garden. Not only are they beautiful, but these ultra-reliable perennials are all designated as both A&M Texas Superstars and “FlameProof” by the Dallas Arboretum Plant Trials department. Virtually indestructible!