Category: Tomatoes

Published: January 29, 2025 Author: Callie Works-Leary Comments: 0

Early Tomato Planting: Smart Strategy or Risky Mistake?

Tomatoes are extremely frost sensitive. Even if frost doesn’t kill them, it can severely damage foliage. Planting early is very risky.

Yet, there are people who recommend planting tomato seedlings in North Texas as early as the third week of February in order to give them a headstart. Is planting tomatoes early a smart strategy or risky mistake?

Published: December 31, 2020 Author: Callie Works-Leary Comments: 0

How To Start Tomato Seeds Indoors

Growing plants from seed is one of the most fulfilling activities we can do as gardeners. The diversity of varieties available is far greater than what is available by transplant at your local garden center. Learning how to start tomatoes by seed indoors is an important gardening skill to master because tomatoes don’t grow well when direct-seeded.

Published: November 27, 2020 Author: Callie Works-Leary Comments: 0

2021 Dallas Tomato Trials Selections

The votes are in! 2021 will mark the 2nd Annual Dallas Tomato Trials, a crowd-sourced test of heirloom tomato variety performance in North Texas. It also marks the first year that variety selection was made open to public voting. Many thanks to all those who participated in the voting process!

Published: November 20, 2020 Author: Callie Works-Leary Comments: 0

Vote For The 2021 Dallas Tomato Trial Varieties

2020 marked the inaugural Dallas Tomato Trials, an informal but highly informative testing of 24 different heirloom or open-pollinated tomato varieties including 8 patio/container varieties. I also made these rare tomato varieties available for purchase as seedlings in March. I am very excited to announce that the tomato trials will be returning for 2021.

Published: July 16, 2020 Author: Callie Works-Leary Comments: 0

Dallas Tomato Trials 2020: Spring/Summer Results

The “Dallas Tomato Trials” started as a way to justify an overzealous heirloom seed shopping spree. Six months and one pandemic later, the success of the trial can be measured in both newfound knowledge and newfound community. The trial started conversations, created shared experiences, and delivered a sense of purpose during uncertain, stressful times.