Category: Vegetables

Published: May 13, 2020 Author: Callie Works-Leary Comments: 0

Propagating Fall Tomatoes From Cuttings: Part 1

Though your first tomatoes of the year are barely ripening, it’s already time to start thinking ahead to the second growing season in North Texas. Propagating fall tomatoes from cuttings is a fun and easy way to get a jump on the next season using existing plants. What You’ll Need:…

Published: May 13, 2020 Author: Callie Works-Leary Comments: 0

When And How To Plant Garlic in North Texas

The universal guideline for planting garlic is 4-6 weeks before the ground freezes. Since it is rare for the ground to completely freeze in North Texas, gardeners here customarily plant garlic in mid-October. This is when garden centers are stocked with seed garlic and when online orders start to ship. Garlic can safely be planted in North Texas through November.

Published: April 13, 2020 Author: Callie Works-Leary Comments: 0

Caring For Your New Tomato Plants

The weather is warming, the birds are chirping, and spring is here. You purchased your tomato seedlings, planted them with care, and watered them in. Now what? A little extra effort now will set your plants up for success 1. Fertilize your new tomatoes Tomatoes are “heavy feeders” and grow…

Published: October 25, 2019 Author: Callie Works-Leary Comments: 0

Growing Eggplant in North Texas, The Secrets

Season after season of trying and failing to grow eggplant left me wondering, “What am I doing wrong?
This is the year that all of that finally changed for me thanks to two simple techniques I used in my approach to growing that resulted in nearly 50 pounds of eggplant per plant.