Published: January 4, 2022 Author: Callie Works-Leary Comments: 0

Now that our gardens are taking a winter’s nap, it’s time to start thinking about the garden year ahead. Especially because spring seed-starting is just around the corner.

To help you select new varieties to try in the coming year, we surveyed our students and followers to find out which varieties they loved the most in 2021. Below you will find their responses. My favorite varieties are starred.

Let us know which varieties you loved last year in the comments, and we’ll add to the list!


(Starred varieties were grown and recommended by Callie.)

2021 Survey Responses

Type of PlantVariety NameSource
AlliumSchubertii*McClure and Zimmerman
AlliumSphaerocephalon (Drumstick)*McClure and Zimmerman
BasilSweet ThaiJohnny’s Selected Seeds
BasilAmazelProven Winners
BeetDetroit Dark RedBotanical Interests
Bell pepperFlavor burstJohnson Co. A&M extension
BroccoliArtwork Stir-fryPark Seed
CabbageCopenhagen MarketBotanical Interests
CalendulaYellowBotanical Interests
CarrotDragonSeed Savers Exchange
Cherry TomatoSweet GoldRenee's Seeds
ClematisSweet AutumnTexas Blooms Organic Landscape
Collard GreensYatesBaker Creek Seed Company
CosmoBright LightsBaker Creek
CosmosDouble Click*Botanical Interests
Cow peaPink Eye Purple HullBotanical Interests
DahliaLifestyleLongfield Gardens
DianthusAmazon NeonHarris Seeds
EggplantRositaBotanical Interests
EggplantLong Purple*Botanical Interests
EggplantBlack Beauty*Botanical Interests
FoxglovePink PantherHazzards
FoxglovePam's Choice*Johnny’s Selected Seeds
FoxglovePink Gin*Johnny’s Selected Seeds
FoxgloveSugar Plum*Johnny’s Selected Seeds
GarlicKettle River Giant*Filaree Garlic Farm
GarlicBasque Turban*Filaree Garlic Farm
GomphrenaLas Vegas Pink*Park Seeds
GourdLuffaBaker Creek
Ground CherryStrawberry Husk TomatoBaker Creek
HibiscusMahogany SplendorJohnny’s Selected Seeds
HibiscusCotton CandyHome Depot
KaleWhite RussianJohnny’s Selected Seeds
LettuceMesculin Mix*Botanical Interests
LongbeanThai purpleBaker Creek
MarigoldFavourite Blend*Botanical Interests
MizunaKyotoJohn Scheepers Kitchen Seeds
OkraJing OrangeBaker Creek
OkraClemsonBonnie Plants
OkraBurgundyFossil Creek Tree Farm
OkraJing OrangeBaker Creek
OnionCandyDixondale Farms
PeasSugar snap peasBotanical Interests
PepperPumaBaker Creek Seeds
PepperQuadrato D'Asti RossoBaker Creek
PepperHabanada*Row7 Seeds
PepperHawk talonFrom friend
PepperShishitoSeed savers exchange
PepperQuadrato D'asti RossoBaker Creek
PeppersJimmy NardelloBaker Creek
RudbeckiaGoldstrumTexas Blooms Organic Landscape
RudbeckiaIndian SummerBotanical Interests
SalviaMystic SpiresCalloways
SalviaIndigo SpiresWhole Foods
SnapdragonRocket MicJohnny’s Selected Seeds
SnowflakeGiant SummerJohn Scheepers
SpinachSpace HybridPark Seeds
SquashCentercut*Row7 Seeds
Sweet PeaHigh Scent*Botanical Interests
Sweet PeaRoyal Blend*Botanical Interests
Sweet PepperGolden MarconiBotanical Interests
Swiss ChardFordhook GiantBurpee or Botanical
Swiss ChardPeppermintCalloways
Swiss ChardFive color silverbeetSeed savers exchange
TomatilloPurpleBaker Creek
TomatoSun Gold
TomatoYellow PearSeedlings from my neighbor
TomatoYellow PearBonnie Plants
TomatoCostoluto FiorentinoBaker Creek
TomatoLinnie's OxheartVictory Seeds
TomatoSan MarzanoCalloways
TomatoDwarf Beauty KingTomatofest
TomatoFourth of JulyBurpee
TomatoBlack Krim
TomatoLarge Red CherrySeeds I've saved from past years
TomatoBerkeley Tie Dye PinkBaker Creek
TomatoBerkeley tie dyeSeeds n Such
TomatoGolden nuggetBaker Creek
TomatoGold NuggetDallas Garden School
TomatoChocolate CherrySeedlings from my neighbor
TomatoSunrise Bumble BeeBaker Creek
TomatoMidnight RomaRow7 seeds
TomatoTiny TimGarden Hoard (Michigan)
tomatoNapa ChardonnayBaker Creek
TomatoMortgage LifterBaker Creek
TomatoSungoldBotanical Interests
VerbenaHomestead PurpleTexas Blooms Organic Landscape
Winter SquashWaltham ButternutBotanical Interests
ZinniaMacareniaBaker Creek Seeds
ZinniaBenarys Giant - PurpleJohnny’s Selected Seeds
Callie Works-Leary
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